Vacation Food All Week

Not many people know this about me but I love breakfast food. The only real time I get to enjoy it is usually during a vacation. Since my work location shut down for a while due to COVID-19 I decided to take advantage of being home and treat myself to a new breakfast everyday.

I hoped to accomplish a few things with this endeavor:

  • Motivate myself to get up everyday and get something done
  • Challenge myself to think of something new everyday to distract myself
  • Do something nice for my brother while he has to work from home
The day after my location closed I suited up to go to the grocery. I wanted to buy two weeks worth of food to limit the times I’d have to go out. While the shelves weren’t bare I still had limitations on what I could find. I bought some basic things that I knew I could use. Bread, eggs, some fresh and frozen vegetables, pasta, etc.

Overall it was a fun week of breakfast food. I got to indulge in my favorite vacation food even though I wasn’t on vacation. It was a good way to think of better times. Needless to say my brother also enjoyed the benefit of having me home for the week.

Food for the week:

  • French Toast
  • Scrambled eggs with home fries & vegan breakfast patties
  • Cinnamon buns
  • Sunny side eggs with vegan breakfast patties & toast
  • Pancakes
  • Eggs Benedict


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