Staying Strong During A Tough Time

It’ll be a strange feeling to look back and think about the insanity that 2020 has been. In all honesty I thought 2020 started off amazing for me personally. I finally felt like my career was taking off again. My little blog was motivating me to travel and explore. I was in a great mindset with balancing and juggling everything I found important. A big difference from my start in 2019. Sadly all that structure that I worked to build up was quickly demolished of course by COVID-19.

It feels almost idiotic to complain about losing my day to day routine knowing so many others have lost more. From little things like dinner parties and travel to important things like jobs and loved ones. I think everyone’s life has and will continue to be morphed by this epidemic. 

In times like this it is so important not only to take care of yourself physically but also mentally. While I’m not a medical professional I can tell you it takes a toll on your mind psychologically. I know personally I’ve already felt guilty for being able to stay home safe with my family while others continue to keep the world running in these trying times. All we can do as basic human beings is to support one another. Continue to reach out to others and help keep each other strong . If you’re not working be productive with your time, do something nice for someone. If you have something to do around the house like cleaning or organizing, take advantage. You can get it done now so when you’re able to go out and enjoy the world again you can do so freely.

I started this blog not only for travel but to help find a good balance with work and taking personal time to enjoy life and staying mentally healthy. Until things get better I want to write about ways to keep busy while at home. Even with things the way they are the world is still a beautiful place. 


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